Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Hey everyone that looks at my blog. (Samuel and Jon) California is great, i have been here for over a week and a half. Samuel and i have been playing a lot of tennis and a little bit of basketball. (by the way he beat me last night) i bought some really nice running shoes yesterday. now i can go on a run and not have to wear my Reebok pumps. my goal is to lose 17 pounds. how am i going to do that? idk play basketball, tennis, run, not eat anything and if i do eat throw it up after.. OK i guess that's not the best idea. I'll stick with eating healthy and working out.
I now have a California number. so if you are trying to get a hold of me and you can't, its proably because i have a new number.

1 comment:

Ira Lippke said...

Welcome to CA! I'm excited about this new chapter of life for you!