Tuesday, February 10, 2009


i just had to post a picture of this kid. he has been giving me some problems over the past couple days. telling me i shouldn't come back to Washington and if i do that i better hope he doesn't find out. and its all because i posted a comment on a friends facebook and the picture was of a friend holding 3 condoms in her hand. i made a joke about it and said i bet she used those that night. 

        Well i guess that was a bad joke and made her sound like a slut. which she is not a slut. anyways here is picture of Joey Lince


i am now the manager of the Journeys at Westminster mall. i have been waiting so long to be a manager. it has been a long week and a half i have been working open to close (9:30am -9:30 pm) everyday just hiring a couple good workers and trying to get the employees that roger the old manager hire to quit because they all suck. i wish i could just fire them but the California law on firing people is pretty nuts. plus i am training my assistant manager. once i get her trained enough i don't have to be at the store when ever it is open. which tomorrow is the first day I'm not opening the store my assistant manager is opening. but i am so nervous that she won't be able to do it without my help the first time so i might just go to the mall and if she calls me and needs help i am there to help her. hope you all are doing well.